Jadran Boban

Jadran Boban is freelance documentary filmmaker, photographer, illustrator and video artist, living in Zagreb, Croatia
- City decontamination from fascist graffiti2' 20''
City decontamination from fascist graffitiProduction: 2012
After Zagreb City authorities ignored growing number of fascist and chauvinistic graffiti and failed to remove them from public space, a group of young people decided to clean graffiti by themselves.
- Blues for a Soviet2' 38''
Blues for a SovietProduction: 2011
Film has been shoot at Yuri Gagarin Road in the city of Zagreb, probably the only one in Croatia ever named after an cosmonaut, back then while Croatia was a part of socialist Yugoslavia, and space travel was seen as optimistic sign of brighter human future. The road still bears the same name, but nowadays it’s inhibited with impoverished people who are selling everything, from canned food to old clothes, just to earn a little extra cash to survive until the next month.
Film is a montage of shoots made by DSLR photo camera and mobile phone while passing by the Gagarin road, as well as with the sound recorded at the same location.