Włodzimierz Kaczmarek

(born May 15th 1930, died April 16th 2010) Studied archeology and ethnography at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Wrocław. Graduated from the Jung School for sailors and deep-sea fishermen. He used to work for the Museum of West Pomerania in Szczecin. In 1964 he took up work as a journalist, originally for Polish Radio Szczecin, and later for the Television Centre. He dealt mostly with social and maritime journalism. Author of numerous award-winning programs and nature films on West Pomerania. He also produced programs for the educational section of the TVP Polish Television.
- Ambitions and aspirations - Ensign17'
The story of Ensign Szymon Sulikowski – war veteran. Military celebrations, his family, and war memories.
read more - Cavemen18'
Drawings and paintings in the tunnels of the Międzyrzecz Fortified Region.
read more - Underwater deserts18'
Kiedyś mówiło się, że życie zwierząt w jeziorach, stawach i niektórych rzekach jest ograniczane przez zarastającą roślinność. W ostatnich latach nastąpiła degradacja wielu zbiorników wodnych, wynikająca albo z rabunkowej gospodarki wielu tzw. dzierżawców jezior, albo z trwającego od lat kłusownictwa. Cel programu: uzmysłowić społeczeństwu, w jaki sposób degraduje się bezkarnie przyrodę niszcząc jeziora i rzeki, co oznacza dla naszej przyszłości taka degradacja.
read more - Alliance18'
The military training ground in Drawsko – as well as other such training grounds, e.g. in Lower Silesia – span thousands of hectares of forests and lakes. One can assume that the life of plants and animals are at risk. Observations prove, however, that the training grounds' regulations enable wildlife growth.
read more - An account of not just the meeting - Goleniów14'
Material recorded during a Goleniów residents' council meeting in the early 80s. A film about city life then, and the problems associated with it.
read more - Roman Węgrzyn - homeless12'
A reportage about Roman Węgrzyn – representative of the homeless during the People's Republic of Poland era, a time that was supposedly homeless-free.
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