Szymon Nygard

Graduated from acting at the National Theatre Academy (PWST) in Wrocław (puppeteering department). Since 2015 he has been an actor at the “Arlekin” H. Ryl Puppet Theatre in Łódź. The music video for “Nie tak bardzo nad morzem” is his second fully auteur artistic project. His work on the music video has been his official cinematography debut, and the director is hungry for more.
- Nie tak bardzo nad morzem4'57”
Production: PL 2015
The Kępisty Quarter vocalist, enchanted by Prague, came up with a music video with dolls. Her elder sister, a vibraphone player, joined in. Director Szymon Nygard took the challenge. As freshly as a newcomer he went on to discover more and more of the unruly, chimerical Szczecin – “the most important dot on my world map.”