Sandy Amerio

Sandy Amerio is a visual artist and filmmaker. She was born in 1973 in Paris and currently lives in Berlin. In her work, she initiates confrontations of contemporary society with the aesthetic codes and issues that circulate within it. Her films reveal the deeply heterogenous and violent nature of our realities, reflected in their representations. In an anthropological approach, she creates based on narratives and images that are parts of the collective unconscious. Her latest striking documentary DRAGOONED, deploys hypnotic magic as an emotional trap where the rituals of fiction colonize reality. At the very heart of the aesthetic of archival films and in particular their televisual reinterpretation, Amerio expresses the possibility of a vertiginous return of WWII into the present.
- Dragooned45'
Paratroopers landing in Provence. The images are commented on by a voiceover typical of WWII propaganda newsreels. Battle sequences are interwoven with footage of soldiers resting. The newsreel ends, the film's frames withdraw. Once again we are watching paratroopers in Provence, but the commentary is different – now in the convention of a TV documentary on a history channel. Dragoon, an airborne operation of the allied forces, began in August 1944 with a landing in Provence.
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