Pavel Kildau

Born in 1990 in Kyiv, Ukraine, Pavel is a highly skilled filmmaker. He has worked with many prominent agencies like Vogue, Next Models, Saatchi and Saatchi… Many famous singers are amongst his valued customers in both Ukraine and Russia.
In 2015 Pavel, in collaboration with his dad, directed the feature film – Molotov Cocktail. The production had a budget of about $180 000 and was created with the help of their partner, Cartocci Rental House, as well as their own money.
- "Erotica" – Cape Cod, feat. Constantine, D: Pavel Kildau, CI: Eugene Kirey, UA 20153'51"
This is about what Her mind keeps inside. Undisclosed desires and secret passion, a thin line between reality and a world of dreams. Music video for famous Ukrainian band Cape Cod featuring Constantine.