Mohammed Almughanni

Mohammed Almughanni is a filmmaking student from Gaza, Palestine. Currently studying at the Łódz Film School in Poland. He has spent most of his life in Gaza, and after three years of living in Poland he returned to his family neighbourhood – and decided to make a film that would give a voice to the people living there.
- Shujayya21'
Production: PL/PS 2015
The film is about a family from Gaza that enters social conflict right after the war. Everything in the surroundings has changed – the buildings don't look like they used to, and neither do the people. Mohammed Almughanni's documentary film is an interesting and dramatic depiction of life in the Gaza Strip. It is also an intimate portrait of the family of Wael and Isra Alnamla, who have been psychologically scarred by the war. The entire conflict is portrayed through their eyes. The film is a Polish-Palestinian co-production.