Mirjam Hlastan

Mirjam Hlastan was born in Ljubljana, capital city of Slovenia in summer of 1984. After graduating from high school for design and photography, she started freelancing as an independent filmmaker and since then she completed over 45 projects. Working on short films, stop motion and computer animation, music videos, commercials and TV shows she got familiar with the roles of the director and screenwriter, 1st and 2nd AD, editor, production manager assistant and camerawoman. Currently she is based in Berlin developing her 4th short film "Feeling blue" and 1st feature film “Impossible.”
- Forgotten Ritual10’22’’
Production: DE 2015
7 seconds in. 11 seconds out. The electricity is turned on and we hear the sound of an operating system starting up. The smart phone is connected to the laptop, a cup of milk is filled. The computer is dust free, charged and ready. Ritual completed. The searching for “Fulfillment” starts. BREATH feels ignored because of HUMAN’S favorite electronic tool and starts to complain about HUMAN’s priorities. Remembering all its capabilities, BREATH reaches out to HUMAN for the last time...