Małgorzata Frymus

She is from Szczecin. Graduated from the Catholic University of Lublin and the PWSFTViT Film school in Łódź. Lecturer at the University of Szczecin. Journalist and reporter for Polish Radio Szczecin, deals mostly with culture topics. She worked with TVP Polish National Television (Szczecin branch). She made several TV programs and reportages. For years she has been working with the OFFicyna Association, the Zachęta Sztuki Współczesnej, and the Stowarzyszenie Ińskie Lato Filmowe. Celluloid Tales is her first documentary film.
Past events
- 17.10.2013, 20:30 - 23:00, Multikino Galaxy, Top League: the unknown face of Martin Scorsese cinema vol. 2
- 22.10.2013, 18:00 - 23:00, Multikino Galaxy, Top League: the unknown face of Martin Scorsese cinema vol. 3
- 09.10.2013, 18:00, Radio Szczecin, radioART
- 14.10.2021, 09:00 - 10:30, Dom Kultury Krzemień, Masterclass Mini - Workshops on New Media
- 19.10.2023, 18:00 - 20:00, Radio Szczecin, The SeFF'23 Opening Ceremony
- 16.10.2013, 18:00, Kino Helios, Pomerania Film: screening of "Bilet na księżyc" ("Ticket to the Moon") by Jacek Bromski
- 16.10.2013, 13:00 - 16:00, Kino Zamek, Polish Documentary Classics: film retrospective of Maciej Drygas vol. 1 (guest: Maciej Drygas)
- 16.10.2013, 16:00 - 19:00, Kino Zamek, Time for Rivals: the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film DOK Leipzig (guest: Lina Dinkla)
- 01.10.2014, 15:00 - 17:00, Kino Zamek, Pomerania Film at SEFF
- 15.10.2013, 21:00 - 23:00, Multikino Galaxy, Top League: the unknown face of Martin Scorsese cinema vol. 1 (guests: Janusz Wróblewski and Nils Warnecke)
- 20.10.2013, 12:00 - 15:00, Radio Szczecin, The Faces of Westpomeranian Cinema: Włodzimierz Kaczmarek
- Historie z Celuloidu35'
Celluloid Tales
Production: POL 2014A documentary inspired by old films, made as part of the WISKORD and Cuma Amateur Film Clubs. For 5 years the OFFicyna Association has been running the Old Digital Szczecin project, digitalising pictures that document the life of Szczecin's workplaces. Celluloid Tales consists of three stories about the makers of these films, and about one of the old tales' protagonist's son. Stanisław, Włodek, and Piotr talk about how the old tapes bring back the memories.
Film co-produced by the Pomerania Film fund (ZFF) and MUFI Kompania Muzyczno-Filmowa Bartosz Piekarczyk.
- Jestem z Doumga 40'
A story about a man called Amadou Sy, who walks through his life with his head held high, proudly and responsibly. He has a lot of heart, in which two homelands – Poland and Senegal – take up a lot of space. He loves them both with equal strength, admires and appreciates them the same. In Stargard he was a regarded and respected councilor, who co-decided about the issues of many people, while in Doumga, where he comes from, he co-decides about a large family. The movie presents a European and an African in one person, who perfectly harmonises love and attachment to both of his homelands, not favouring any of them.
- Podróż dookoła siebie60'
Rysiu, Ryszard, Rysiek. Ryszard Leoszewski współzałożyciel zespołu Sklep z Ptasimi Piórami oraz Dziecięcej Grupy Artystycznej Arfik to ikona Szczecina. Kiedy wchodził w dorosłe życie miał wiele dróg przed sobą. "Mogłem być malarzem, rzeźbiarzem, aktorem, stolarzem, a nawet piłkarzem... zostałem kompozytorem i piosenkarzem. Dobrze mi z tym" - mówi twórcom filmu Leoszewski. Znany jest w całej Polsce, ma wielbicieli wśród wielu pokoleń. Twórcy filmu “Podróż dookoła siebie” próbują poznać fenomen Leoszewskiego.