Maja Wolińska

Lives in Wrocław. Heads classes at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Department of Media Arts. In her works she uses video as a medium. Her recent productions reference popular urban locations doomed to fade away and blur meanings and relations. Locations lasting in tension between a state of disintegration and permanent updating.
Comonheavens Project Series, 2010 - 2014 (...)
Bermudzki Sen (Seria), 2010 - 2014
To, co zostaje, 2014
Das Stein, 2013
X, 2013
Low Poly Eden, 2011-2012
Cisza, 2010
MÄ cze CiÄ (Seria), 2003 - 2005
Past events
- 05.10.2014, 11:30 - 13:30, Kino Zamek, The Polish Competition Block 1
- Echoes Course27'
Echoes Course
Production: Poland 2014A contemplative documentary and part of the Commonheavens project, which – in the authors' words – talks “about life in the inlands, about being there, silence and the place without name”. The film opens with a foggy shot, from which a quote emerges. The shot changes: the next one is crisp, colourful. It disappears in the emptiness, and another appears. It is a world beyond time. This filmic meditation closes and opens with the quote: “For whom emptiness is possible, for those everything is possible. For whom emptiness is not possible, for those everything is not possible.”