Juan Vicente Castillejo Navarro

He has studied audiovisual communication and journalism at Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and audiovisual distribution at ECAM. He has worked with various short films as producer, and as programmer for cineclubs, and as an audiovisual technician in the distribution company Surtsey Films. Nowadays he works freelance, he also takes part in audiovisual distribution projects like “Proyecta una peli.”La Comunion De La Nena (2017)
Llanos (2015)
La Mancha Negra (2014)
- "La Comunión de la Nena" D, CI: Juan Vincente Castillejo Navarro, ED: Juan Vincente Castillejo Navarro, Hugo Elegido Nebot, ES 201710’
In the life of every Catholic child, First Communion is a unique and festive ceremony, and an occasion to meet the whole family. The film, documenting the day of a little girl's First Communion, exercises original poetics that merge home video with beautiful shots of a very stylish home interior. “La comunión de la Nena” is an unusual look at family and childhood which seems like a great, elusive mystery when viewed from the perspective of bygone years.