Juan Sebastian Lopez Maas

Juan Sebastian Lopez Maas moved from Mexico to the Netherlands when he was 15 years old. After high school graduation he entered the St. Joost Academie, where he graduated in 2009. After his final film “Where the Eagle Landed” he took part in the wildcard program what helped him to make his first film in 2011, the documentary “I’m not dead, only asleep.”
- I‘m not dead, only asleep / Żyję, tylko śpię25'
Juan Sebastian Lopez Maas, NED 2011, 25’
An ass was the only animal upon which Jesus rode. It is a holy animal. Here a donkey wanders as if through a biblical landscape. Vultures circle overhead. The animal dies alone. Its lower jaw be comes a musical instrument. The Afro-Peruvian tap dancer and Cajun musician Amador Ballumbrosio, who died in 2009, knew that, like everyone here, he would return as a donkey. At his funeral, instead of weeping and mourning, the people danced and made music as he did. On donkey teeth.
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