Jakub Wróblewski

Multimedia artist, camera operator. Does video, narration, film theory, installation, interactive projects. Since 2008 has been working at the Graphics department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (since 2013 as adjunct professor).
First We Feel Then We Fall / 2016 / http://www.firstwefeelthenwefall.com
Extensive Movie / 2013 / https://vimeo.com/67431485
What if / 2012 / https://vimeo.com/55680679
Past events
- 20.10.2017, 21:00 - 22:00, Studio S1 Radia Szczecin , StoryCode Warsaw @ SEFF
- "FIRST WE FEEL THAN WE FALL" Jakub Wróblewski
FIRST WE FEEL THAN WE FALL by Jakub Wróblewski and Katarzyna Bazarnik is an audiovisual reading of the last work by Irish author James Joyce – “Finnegans Wake,” which is usually called a novel but is really an oneiric narrative where a multilayered plot develops in a non-linear way, reminding us of a labyrinth or hypertext.
Awards and festiwals:
Najważniejsze wydarzenie roku w kategorii Media - Dwutygodnik.com / 2016
Practise As Research / Research As Practise, PWSFTviT / Łódz / 2017
The International Literary Festival Ha!wangarda / Kraków / 2016
Digital Humanities / 2016 / Kraków (wygrany Poster Slam)
Anniversary Joyce - XXV International James Joyce Symposium / Londyn / 2016