Gusztáv Hámos

Gusztáv Hámos and Katja Pratschke are media artists, filmmakers, authors; their artistic experience covers work with film, photography, video and installations, as well as curation of film series and exhibitions, and publishing. Current projects: Tate Modern London, 63th Mostra Interernazionale d’arte cinematografica di Venezia, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Madrid/Berlin, National Gallery of Art Washington, SFMOMA, Yerba Buena Center of the Arts SF. Co-publisher of “Viva Fotofilm bewegt/unbewegt”.
Cities (Potential Space) (work in progress)
Cities (Hidden Cities) (2012)
Fiasko (2010)
Rien ne vas plus (2005)
Fremdkörper | Transposed Bodies (2001)
- Cities / Miasta27'
GER 2012, 27’
Names of rivers are mostly feminine, of mountains masculine and cities neuter. The photo-film Cities discovers in Berlin, Budapest and New York a whole series of other cities hidden behind mirrors and fissures, and gives them women’s names. Beneath the surface it discovers our behaviour, both human and inhuman. It compresses urban addictions and dangers until we viewers from all over the world recognize ourselves as those portrayed. We are at home in the cities hidden beneath the real ones.