Grzegorz Paprzycki '18

Born October 30, 1984. A graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan at the specialization of social communication and self-government. He worked in local television as a cameraman and editor. Currently studying directing in Krzysztof Kieślowski Faculty of Radio and Television University of Silesia in Katowice. To this day he made four short movies that took part in various film festivals.
- The Blackgod30’
Sviatoslav Siruj is the leader of a nationalist organization in western Ukraine. Together with his people, he is campaigning to promote an ideology that is in line with the assumptions of the party called the National Corps. Ideological speeches, lessons in schools, marches and protests are the main instruments of his activity. Dreams of being a "spiritual father" for his followers motivate him to fight for a better future of the country. And there is who to fight with. Enemies of the homeland are not only in the east but also inside the country and in the west. The proper future of Europe, according to Sviatoslav, can only be ensured by Ukrainian nationalists. The fight is already underway. Because "there is no right and wrong, there is only justice."