Grzegorz Fedorowski

Between 1997-2003 Grzegorz Fedorowski graduated from the University of Szczecin, where he studied Polish Philology and National Film School in Lodz, where he studied film and tv production. From 1994 he has been working for Polish Public Television in Szczecin. Author of documentary movies, reportages, current affair programmes, and various tv series.
Marian, 2018
Koniec niewinności, 2015
Na Wschód od Timszel (Östlich von Timszel), 2011
Doskonalsi (Almost Perfect), 2008
- Tempus Fugit. Szczecińskie Berżeretki kilka lat później27’30’’
„Tempus Fugit” tells a reunion story of a group of singers, 55 years after adopting their name 'Berzeretki'. Mature ladies, just like years ago, rent theatrical costumes, and sing their musical repertoire. In chaotic discussions they recall what impact the first youthful music attempts, and meeting their guru – John Szyrocki had on their young lives. From their intonation, gestures, facial expression, reactions and behavior an endless joy can be felt, even though a great deal of time has passed.