Fabian Zając

Born in 1984. Has worked with TVN 24 for almost six years. Since 2007 he has been a journalist for TVP Polish Television. Works on a day-to-day basis for the local editor of the “Wokół Nas” program. For three years, he has been doing reportages for the programs “Magazyn Ekspresu Reporterów” and “Reporter Polski” on TVP 2 Polish Television. He is most keen on interventional-social topics. Awarded during the Polish Journalist Review and Competition in Gdańsk 2011 for his reportages “(NIE) jestem przestępcą” and “Na wnuczka.” Author of the best reportage during the Review and Competition in Krakow 2012 – “Zlicytowani.” In 2013 he received an honourable mention for his reportage “Policja w akcji” at the Festiwal Sztuki Faktu in Toruń. Author of the documentary film “Zbuntowane Miasto,” about the events regarding December '70 in Szczecin.
Past events
- 20.10.2013, 12:00 - 15:00, Radio Szczecin, The Faces of Westpomeranian Cinema: Włodzimierz Kaczmarek