Elisa Klement

Elisa Klement, born 1985 in Berlin, graduated as a director from the self-organised film school FilmArche e.V. in 2008. She´s working on her own film projects as well as a docent for adult education (sector film) and is conducting media educational projects with children and youths.
Recht auf Spiel (2014)
Fichten (2013)
Laut & Leise (2012)
Cola lauwarm (2011)
Sonnenschein bei Nacht (2010)
Brei Brumm Bumm (2008)
Butze (2007)
- Laut & Leise14'
Laut & Leise / Loud & Low
Production: GER 2012It´s summer holidays. Greta (12) and Gunnar (12) spend a lot of time on the adventure playground building a hut. But there´s a new feeling in Greta´s stomach, making her curious. Both want to spend the afternoon together at Greta´s place. Waiting for Gunnar's arrival, she unexpectedly get in contact with a porn for the first time. Greta is confused and as Gunnar finally arrives, everything´s different…
FiSH: BDFA Gold Medal 2014