Eliane Esther Bots

Was born in Amsterdam in 1986. Her films have been screened at national and international festivals such as ‘Oberhausen Short Film Festival’ (Germany), ‘Go Short’, Nijmegen (Netherlands), ‘International Short Film Festival - Curta Cinema’, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Flatpack Film Festival (UK). In 2013 she won the BNG Bank Workspace prize, a competition for experimental film of Filmhuis Den Haag (The Netherlands). She works as an educator in moving image at the University of the Arts in Utrecht (The Netherlands).
We can’t come from nothing (2014)
Conversations (2014)
The Visionary (2013)
The dome & The cone of silence (2012)
The captain and the boy (2012)
Gulo (2011)
Productions: NL 2014
In the essay collage film “Conversations” the filmmaker unravels the hidden meanings of the personal archive of her grandmother. Her sight takes its place inside a feminine chain of memories. The film shows how objects can have an additional unexpected layer of meanings. As it turns out they connect to the Jewish background of her grandmother. The film is formed like a book, in three chapters with a special emphasis on text and voice.