Daan Bunnik

Daan Bunnik was born and raised in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Bunnik completed his bachelor film theory in 2009, during which he discovered that he wanted to make films instead of analyzing them. His graduation film Skin feels (graded with distinction) is a diptych examining Bunnik’s perception on the ageing body of his parents. It was a major breakthrough for him, because he was able to convey the intensity of experienced emotion through film and make the audience experience these emotions too. With this film Bunnik travels to several film festivals across Europe (a.o. Encounters, IDFA, Belgrade, dokumentART). Currently he is in pre production of his new fiction short that depicts a son trying to detach himself from his sick mother.
- Skin feels / De huid voelt6'
The bodies of parents grow old. The mind of an adult child refuses to accept these changes. Daniel Bunnik speaks about this directly in his diptych about his father and his mother. Shadow obscures the most drastic elements of the picture, the lighting is discreet. The author's mum has strategies for walking down the stairs – comical, in a way. The weight of the body is still bearable for its owner. For whom is this weight more difficult to withstand: for the parent or the child? The child keeps rebelling and the parent must accept it? The burdens of rebellion and acceptance is counterbalanced by the final scene.
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