Corinna Giesen

Corinna Giesen was born in Heinsberg, West Germany in 1985. After finishing school in 2005, she initially studied History of Art at the University of Bamberg. Afterwards she studied Communication Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf, where she graduated in 2012. Since then she has completed a semester in France at the Nancy Art Academy as well as internships on different film productions. During her studies she began pointing the camera at her own life, which gave birth to her recent film “tomorrow we will live again”.
wenn ich groß bin, wird was aus mir (2010)
- tomorrow we will live again / jutro znów będziemy żyć20'
Corinna Giesen, GER 2011/2012, 20’
Corinna’s younger brother Tiemo spends his life in social isolation and consistent pessimism, he is suicidal and refuses therapy. Their parents have had enough and turn him out of the house. Since then Tiemo has been vegetating in a caravan in Ingmar’s garden and Corinna, who is getting increasingly involved in his problem, still hopes that things will improve from now on. But Tiemo’s doubts seem insuperable and his intentions deliberately unrealistic.
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