Bernd Lützeler '15

Born in 1967 in Düsseldorf, Bernd Lützeler studied at University of the Arts Berlin, where he completed Maria Vedder's master class in 2003. Nowadays he lives and works as an artist and filmmaker between Berlin and Düsseldorf. In his works he often focuses on the aesthetics and perception of the moving image and sound, and their interrelation with technology and society. Several of his film- and video-projects have been produced in Mumbai, India, including his last film “The Voice of God” and the multimedia theatre performance “K⁰.” He is an active member of the artist-run, analogue film-collective LaborBerlin. Currently he works on his new experimental film Camera Threat.
Camera Threat (in progress)
Analogue Natives (in progress)
Unterwegs mit Maxim Gorki (2014)
K⁰ (2011)
The Voice of God (2011)
Movieland (2008-2010)
- Travelling with Maxim Gorkiy10’
Production: DE 2014
As in many cases, also here it's rather about allusion than description. This also applies to the persons represented. Flat silhouettes of people. Their heads depicted in profile. Faces with no expression, formal gestures. In the background, a little bit of everyday life: the hard, square, stone architecture arises from ochre, brownish, blackish mush of colour or mud. A demonstration of the function of the central perspective. An idealised representation of a tropical paradise. Strangely, there's no absurdity in this.