Andrejs Verhoustinskis

Andrejs Verhoustinskis is born in May 19th, 1969. Married, has 3 children. He works as a director and a cameraman. Andrejs has studied in Latvian Academy of Culture, Humanitarian sciences and got master degree in arts. His professional experience starts from 1987. From 2010 Andrejs is Lecturer at Latvian Academy of Culture, cinematography department. Since 2007 he is vice-president of LGC (Latvian Guild of Cinematographers).
- Lidija37’
A person's face and eyes preserve experience better than any document or recorded memoir. Particularly if a person has experienced as much as the well-known dissident Lidija Lasmane-Doroņina. Actually, she does not even think of herself as a dissident. She received her three terms in prisons and labour camps – fourteen years in all – as punishment not for underground struggle but for daring to remain true to her principles, convictions and faith. Her eyes are bright even today, at the age of 91, and they look at this world full of life.