Afarin Eghbal

Born in Iran. Moved to London with her family following the 1979 Iranian Revolution. She graduated from the National Film & Television School in Beaconsfield with her debut film “Abuelas.” The film has had huge success, screening at over 150 festivals worldwide and receiving nearly 70 awards, including a BAFTA Nomination in 2012 for Best Animation. Afarin is currently in development on her first live-action feature film. In July 2013, Afarin was spotlighted as one of the “Stars of Tomorrow” by the “Screen International.”
- Abuelas / Babcie9'
The grandmother’s apartment is a reconstruction. Things from a previous life bought from flea-markets in Buenos Aires. Photos of people who have vanished are imagined. Previous conversations with other grandmothers about the years between 1976 and 1983 are condensed to a poetic level. Everything is animated, but true. Only thus does the unthinkable become portrayable: 30,000 children, women and men disappeared during the dictatorship of General Videla and were never seen again. The babies born in internment camps were handed over to families in the service of the military and terror. To this day their grandmothers are still searching for them.
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